I saw this once on someones facebook note and after reading, I literally brought out my pen and paper and wrote it all down..for me. But now I'm gonna write it out again for you:
Every woman has an insatiable need for relationship, one that can never be filled. It is an ache in her soul designed to drive her to God. She aches for intimacy, to be known, loved and chosen. It also explains her deepest fear- abandonment/rejection.
You have to have someplace to turn... For comfort, understanding. For the healing of brokeness. For love. To offer life, you must have life. And you can only get this from God.
We live in a great love story, set in the midst of war. The great and terrible clash between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness continues. They are fighting for the human heart.
Jesus is the hero of this love story and we are his beloved. So the greatest gift you can give yourself is to develop a real relationship with Jesus Christ, where you are finding in God the life and love your soul desperately needs.
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