On to other things, I’ve not been up to much lately apart from job hunting, so I've tuned to TV shows as my source of entertainment. One of my favourites is The city. I like to think of it as the grown up, sophisticated sister of The hills lol. It doesn't have that much drama and it’s all about the fashion and the fashion industry and it just made me wish I could live that life. sigh. The new season just started a while ago, I’m just going to chat a bit about my fav. character.

Isn’t she so pretty? All fresh and girly.
I ♥ this babe. Love how she does her hair and the way she dresses. She’s also really nice, polite etc. but I think she’s also a bit of a pushover sometimes especially with her sharp mouthed and sometimes overbearing friend, Roxy, and boss, Kelly who’s really her mentor/big sis type thing. We all have our faults and I think I can slightly identify with this one. Despite this she always does what she thinks is the right thing and that’s admirable, I just wish she’d tell Roxy to shut up sometimes. But yeah, she won’t because she’s nice and they’re best friends. .bleh. Ooh but she did tell Olivia off once, she totally deserved it though. Erin is doing a lot working with Olivia, I would have done a Lucas on her a long time ago( note Lucas reference to Eastenders, another show on my radar.lol). Olivia is the snobby socialite, who’s fab too but to me it’s dampened by her attitude. And there’s Louis Roe, who’s British and totally cool who’s attempting to overtake Olivia’s job. Oh! The drama of it all. Lol. To some people, the show and Whitney may be a bit boring cause of the lack of excessive drama, but I like sanity especially as it’s supposed to be reality, or maybe I am just grown-up and sophisticated like the show...or boring. *Kanye shrug*
You can follow her on twitter @whitneyEVEport or buy some of her lovely clothes at whitneyeve.com or better still just watch the show and make your own opinion. :) (Please, MTV needs to pay me for this promo)