Thursday, 28 July 2011
The past few weeks I've been learning alot about faith. Belief is soo important. People talk about the power of believing in yourself and how much we can achieve by doing that. So, imagine how much more power there is in believing in God and His word. The Bible seed says faith as small as a mustard seed can move a mountain. People were healed by Jesus according to the level of their faith. My prayer is God helps us all to tap into the power of faith in every area of our lives. Amen
Monday, 25 July 2011
Day 6- What I wore today Yesterday
I have a massive backlog of posts I have written in my head. *sigh*. The past two weeks have been busy busy with work, graduation ceremonies, graduation parties, had one everyday this weekend! My friend Michelle (who is part of my backlog of posts) was my fellow partyer and put some pics up on her blog. So, after finally graduating and celebrating my graduation and all my friends' graduations, the dust is finally settling and its time to face the futuree! :s
Nyhoos yes, I am still on this on this challenge -_- I am determined to finish the 10 days no matter how long it
Yesterday was a busy day, had breakfast early with the fam, church, errands, and my friends grad party. And this was my outfit for the day. :)
My lil sis is around and she is quite the budding photographer so I decided to use her services and we had fun with our little photoshoot.
Nyhoos yes, I am still on this on this challenge -_- I am determined to finish the 10 days no matter how long it
Yesterday was a busy day, had breakfast early with the fam, church, errands, and my friends grad party. And this was my outfit for the day. :)
My lil sis is around and she is quite the budding photographer so I decided to use her services and we had fun with our little photoshoot.
Sunday, 17 July 2011
Solange's look
Saw this picture of solange on fouraces and had to blog it. She looks so fresh! Love the braids, pink lippy and orange and beige combo. I would defo be trying this look soon. Not the hair though, I have braids on at the moment but solanges braid up-do is a tad too fierce for me. Still love it tho
Thursday, 14 July 2011
Day 5- My opinion about my body and how comfortable I am with it
So this challenge comes under a topic I’ve been meaning to talk about. I’m 5 ft 9 and a size 8 (sometimes 6) (almost model stats ;) I’ve been giving the “oh you should model” talk and “oh I wish my tummy was flat like yours”. I’ve been called skinny, lepa, longy, bony, bongafish...etcetera. I really couldn't care less. Of course what people say sometimes affects me, and I might say “Oh maybe I should eat more so I can grow fatter” or “maybe I would have breast implants later”...(lol.) BUT I’m not really going to cuz I don't want to wake up fatter or skinnier than I already am. God knows I eat enough already, it just is what it is. My only issue is with “fuller figured” girls who carry the big is beautiful mantra too far and try to make slimmer girls look bad. Girl Puhlease! This is especially an african thing and it annoys me. God made you as you are and made me as I am but all of a sudden because you are trying to defend your look you think you are better. Slimmer women are not lesser women.
Obviously there is a limit and I’m not talking sickly looking. But how does my being beautiful affect you from being beautiful too??
If you’re big and you look like Marilyn Monroe (or close) girl there are no forces holding you from rocking that bod. Obviously don’t be overweight cuz that is never a good look. But at the end of the day, I think you’ve just got to work with what you got, dress and carry yourself accordingly. Kapish
Monday, 11 July 2011
Day 4- First 5 songs on my music player
I'm so sorry I've been MIA. Had to work long ass shifts this weekend and I know I have woefully failed this challenge but I shall continue anyhoos! *Ye shrug*
I will be doing just the first 5 cuz I need to elaborate and 10 is too loong :D
And its a wrap! Most of this is really old..and this is a very random selection from my massive library. :D
I will be doing just the first 5 cuz I need to elaborate and 10 is too loong :D
- When a heart is broken- Lemar
- Sweet like Chocolate--??
- Nobody cared - Canton Jones
- Lets get lifted again- John Legend
- Talk about our love- Brandy and Kanye west
And its a wrap! Most of this is really old..and this is a very random selection from my massive library. :D
Friday, 8 July 2011
Sugabelly's Language Challenge
Erm so I'm quite embarrassed about this post especially after hearing a couple other people that have done theirs..BUT Anyhoos! I wrote a post a while back about yoruba speaking and when I saw this I really wanted try it so Here goes! (n i keep missing the 12am deadline!) *_*
Language challenge by dammieway
Goodevening people! Today, I'm taking a break from the 10 day challenge to do another challenge -sugabelly's language challenge- because I think its a really good idea and its something we should all do. Plus I've been finding it really difficult to keep up with this 10 day challenge (even though I cheated) cuz blogging everyday isn't something I'm used to but I shall try to keep up for the next week.
So, you've figured out I'm yoruba but my yoruba is very rusty. I'm going to say I how I started speaking it and all. The thing is I didnt grow up speaking yoruba I always spoke English at home. I always understood yoruba but i just never spoke it. At this stage of my life I really think its about time to start polishing my yoruba. It seems like our culture is getting lost, especially among us abroad and even those at home in Nigeria. A lot of people just don't speak their language but its something I would really like to start speaking. Please dont abuse me too much! Have mercy cuz I know my yoruba isn't great and I keep adding english. I will put a transcript at the end for the benefit of non speakers. I dont want to talk much cuz I don't really have anything important to say. I just wanted you guys to hear my yoruba and encourage other people that hear this to do theirs too whether you speak yoruba, ibo, hausa or even pidgin(or perhaps a non nigerian language)..cuz its kinda cool.
Visit Sugabelly's page to find out more
Language challenge by dammieway
Goodevening people! Today, I'm taking a break from the 10 day challenge to do another challenge -sugabelly's language challenge- because I think its a really good idea and its something we should all do. Plus I've been finding it really difficult to keep up with this 10 day challenge (even though I cheated) cuz blogging everyday isn't something I'm used to but I shall try to keep up for the next week.
So, you've figured out I'm yoruba but my yoruba is very rusty. I'm going to say I how I started speaking it and all. The thing is I didnt grow up speaking yoruba I always spoke English at home. I always understood yoruba but i just never spoke it. At this stage of my life I really think its about time to start polishing my yoruba. It seems like our culture is getting lost, especially among us abroad and even those at home in Nigeria. A lot of people just don't speak their language but its something I would really like to start speaking. Please dont abuse me too much! Have mercy cuz I know my yoruba isn't great and I keep adding english. I will put a transcript at the end for the benefit of non speakers. I dont want to talk much cuz I don't really have anything important to say. I just wanted you guys to hear my yoruba and encourage other people that hear this to do theirs too whether you speak yoruba, ibo, hausa or even pidgin(or perhaps a non nigerian language)..cuz its kinda cool.
Visit Sugabelly's page to find out more
Wednesday, 6 July 2011
Day 3- How important I think education is
I was going to do the “what did you eat today?”question. But I thought that would be too lazy and no one would be terribly interested, so I’m going to do the “How important I think Education is” one. Here goes.
Having reached the peak or at least the sub peak of my education, I’ve been thinking back at how useful the past three years have been. I do feel like I have learnt so much more and I look at the world with more enlightened eyes BUT for most people you only go to school so you can earn more. Do I think going to university increases your future earnings?...Yes and no. Sir Alan Sugar didn’t go to Uni and look at him. What got him where he is today is drive, hard work and common sense. However, if he never got the basic education he got...all that potential would have been wasted.
The most important bit of education is early education in primary and secondary and that’s why the state of WASSCE and JAMB results in Nigeria break my heart. I really think that we cannot be great unless we solve the problem of education in Nigeria and Africa. China and India are among the emerging economies in the world because their governments have invested so much into education. Their kids are excellent in science and technology subjects, their universities have enough funds to carry out ground breaking research etc etc and I think is one of their main advantages.
I think the more educated you are the more empowered you are either as an individual or as a nation. And of course we can learn in schools, from people even through just living.
Here’s a video by Fela Durotoye, the motivational speaker that I think sums up everything
And just cuz! Here’s what I ate today.hehe
Today was an unusual food day, I’m usually more balanced and "healthy"
Having reached the peak or at least the sub peak of my education, I’ve been thinking back at how useful the past three years have been. I do feel like I have learnt so much more and I look at the world with more enlightened eyes BUT for most people you only go to school so you can earn more. Do I think going to university increases your future earnings?...Yes and no. Sir Alan Sugar didn’t go to Uni and look at him. What got him where he is today is drive, hard work and common sense. However, if he never got the basic education he got...all that potential would have been wasted.
The most important bit of education is early education in primary and secondary and that’s why the state of WASSCE and JAMB results in Nigeria break my heart. I really think that we cannot be great unless we solve the problem of education in Nigeria and Africa. China and India are among the emerging economies in the world because their governments have invested so much into education. Their kids are excellent in science and technology subjects, their universities have enough funds to carry out ground breaking research etc etc and I think is one of their main advantages.
I think the more educated you are the more empowered you are either as an individual or as a nation. And of course we can learn in schools, from people even through just living.
Here’s a video by Fela Durotoye, the motivational speaker that I think sums up everything
And just cuz! Here’s what I ate today.hehe
- First thing in my mouth at about 6ish plantain chips straight from Nigeria!
- A Krispy kreme donut that I actually didn’t really like—yeah I’m not really a krispy kreme person
- Some of my cousins jacket potato—
- Semolina and ogbonna stew—
- The rest of my plantain chips—
Today was an unusual food day, I’m usually more balanced and "healthy"
Day 2 - A Book I love
I love reading books, so I definitely had to do this one. I started with the cheesy M&B's and progressed to the Sidney Sheldons etc. I love a lot of books, although I don't remember the names of all these books. A few of my favourites are Pride and prejudice, Half of a yellow sun, a lot of Marian keyes's ones, Eat, pray, love. but today I'm going to talk about the one I'm currently reading or shall I say re-reading. It's one of Francine River's Mark of the Lion series, A Voice in the wind.
I found this randomly in my aunty's house and started reading it out of boredom and I was hooked. All three books in the series are very well written and it transports you to roman times,with their excesses (have you seen Spartacus?) and early Christians in those times. They are full of history, romance and so many moral lessons and the characters are so vivid. This is particularly my favourite because of the main character Hadassah, her humility is soo striking and she was the sort of person I would love to know. Reading about her was like a challenge to be better in so many ways and her strength, her courage, her devotion to God. etc etc. All in all its a really good book either as just plain fiction or as christian fiction. The fact that I am reading it for the second time says alot!
Monday, 4 July 2011
30 10 days challenge
I've been lacking blogspiration recently, so I decided to hop on this 30 day challenge that's been floating about on blogsville BUT I am going to be cheating. Cheating in a good way though because I'm sure no one is terribly interested in reading these 30 things (of which a lot are personal). So yes, I shall be cherry picking the questions I want to answer..bite me :)
First one up 5 ways to win my heart
First one up 5 ways to win my heart
- Love God. If you appear to have an apparent love for God you have a major advantage in my books, the sad thing is that this is easy to feign. Seriously though, my ideal man is a man like David, a man after God's heart. That being said, I am not so up for being a Pastors wife, can I just get me a banker, engineer, architect version of David...Thank you.
- Be Tall. So yeah you got to have to be tall to find your way to my heart. I know that sounds shallow and I know you cannot make yourself tall but soz thats just the way it is. Yay for tall guys!
- Be eloquent. I am a sucker for an eloquent man. No dodgy accents or frequent gbaguans and even when you message me there still have to be a decipherable bit of English left in it.
- Be a go-getter. If you want something go after it whatever it is, drive in a guy is very attractive. You have to be able to chase your dream and your goals and er, me.
- Don't be too predictable. Its nice for guys to spring up (pleasant) suprises from time to time, makes things a bit more fresh and exciting.
Caveat: So erm, success rates cannot be guaranteed. Generally these are nice things to have and do but there aren't any set ways to win my heart, actually I'm not that hard to please. But winning my heart alone won't do much good because you have to win my heart, my head etc...At the end of the day you either got it or you don't! *kanye shrug* :)
That's all for now folks!
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